
"This site is protected by the Crow! A companion of the Morrigan, the Goddess of war and fate, the crow symbolises prophecy, wisdom, and transformation.
The Crow whispers a blessing of insight into this site, encouraging inspiration, easy editing, and banishing coder's block!


This site is enchanted by the Fox! In Celtic mythology, the fox is a creature of cunning and magic, often linked to the trickster archetype.
The Fox whispers blessing of safety into this site, guarding your code from thieves and AI web crawling!


This site is watched over by the Wolf! In Celtic mythology, the wolf is a symbol of loyalty, courage, and guardianship, associated with warriors and the hunt.
The Wolf whispers a blessing of companionship into this site, bringing in commenters to your chatbox and guestbook!


This site is blessed by the Deer! The deer is closely connected to Cernunnos, the horned God of nature - she symbolises grace, renewal, and the cycle of life.
The Deer whispers a blessing of vitality into this site, assuring your site will be beautiful and well optimised!


This site is protected by the Hare! Associated with the Goddess Ostara, the hare is a symbol is fertility, abundance and growth.
The Hare whispers a blessing of abundance into this site, promising an increase in site views and followers!