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Hello web traveller !

Hi there, my name is Grace and this is my little passion project which I have worked on since Mar 9, 2022. I'm a teen mother, lover of everything spiritual, bird enthusiast, blonde-haired country girl. I have recently given birth to a beautiful baby boy, which I am so excited about! My favourite things are nature, animals, music, my boyfriend, and history!

This used to be a gyaru website, but I feel like after years I've grown away from subculture (mainly since I moved away from the city and returned to the country and wanted to change the website to better reflect who I am. Site is always under construction, so mind any broken code laying around...

Hungry? Why not check out my Recipe Book!
Don't forget to leave a message in the guestbook and become my net neighbour!!

To Do

  • Add more webamp skins
  • Revamp recipe book
  • Create sitemap
  • Create archive page
  • Add more shrines
  • Design webamp

Latest blog post:
5 day power outage ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!

Newest site update:
Corkboard/About me page updated

Last Updated:

Link exchange

Let me know if you link me and we can be net neighbours! Hotlinking is fine. More buttons here!